Jean Elaine Leveque - How to Create Opportunities for Yourself as a Marketing Professional

Jean Elaine Leveque rose in an uncommon way in the marketing profession. When she found herself repeatedly blocked on the traditional career path at the marketing company she worked for, Leveque left the company and worked for herself as a freelance marketing consultant. For those pursuing a more traditional approach to career advancement in the marketing profession, she has three tips for getting ahead:

Jean Elaine Leveque

Start at the bottom with a fluid job title. The opportunity to pick and choose an entry-level position with fluid responsibilities is not available for everyone. If you can, start as a marketing associate or assistant because those job titles could mean different things on a resume, and they allow you to find more responsibilities and rise within the company you have started at.

Take on more work. After you’ve gotten the swing of your new office, start finding ways to take on more work. Jean Elaine Leveque found success by volunteering for projects, especially difficult ones that no one else will take. You’ll soon prove yourself indispensable.

Reach out to others. Use your professional network to find more opportunities throughout the marketing world. You can build your network by joining a professional association such as the American Marketers Association (AMA). Jean Elaine Leveque found useful information about starting her own consultancy from other professionals in the AMA.

Jean Elaine Leveque created success for herself by taking advantage of every opportunity to advance her career in marketing, even if it meant going into business for herself.

Jean Elaine Leveque - How to Rise in Your Marketing Professional Career

Jean Elaine Leveque has been a marketing consultant for over 20 years in Denver, Colorado. She has helped many start-ups and established companies alike develop marketing campaigns that have worked to expand their customer base and create more opportunities to grow their businesses to match their corporate goals. Leveque developed her skills and knowledge over many years of studying and working with some of the best marketing professionals she could find. Here are three steps to improve your career in professional marketing:

Jean Elaine Leveque

  • Add responsibilities to your entry-level position. Jean Elaine Leveque started her marketing career at the bottom of a marketing company writing and re-writing sales copy for her vast array of bosses and executives. Over time, she figured out how to add responsibility, which improved her resume, skills, and experience.
  • Use your network. A great way to network is to join a professional association like the American Marketers Association, which connects those working in the marketing profession with each other. Draw upon this resource when you’re ready to begin looking outside of your current occupation to advance your career.
  • Use employment resources. There are many resources that qualified marketing professionals can use to move up in their employment status. Jean Elaine Leveque used online job listings to find a few of her first clients when she struck out on her own as a marketing consultant. Even if you don’t want to start your own business like Leveque, you can use online resources, professional recruiters, and more to find your next job.

Jean Elaine Leveque has worked for many clients in her long career as a marketing consultant, a way of following her dream as a skilled marketer that allows her the freedom she craves.

Jean Elaine Leveque - The Importance of Integrated Marketing

Jean Elaine Leveque develops and initiates marketing solutions for companies. She works as a marketing consultant in Denver, Colorado helping local and national businesses create marketing initiatives that appeal to their target audiences and help drive additional sales revenue. When companies come out with new products, they turn to Leveque to help them sell these products to their customers at a faster rate. The driving force behind all marketing initiatives is smart, integrated marketing materials.

Jean Elaine Leveque

Integrated marketing involves marketing materials that have a clear, consistent message and can easily be used across all media the target audience consumes. Marketing materials in print and online must work together to achieve the desired result. Jean Elaine Leveque works to integrate all of her research and her client’s information on their target market to develop marketing packages that are designed to reach target customers across all media, using each medium to its advantage. To create integrated marketing, communication between marketing teams and stakeholders must be clear. Also, a marketing theme or direction must be established clearly so that everyone knows what the marketing message is before they start to craft this material. Integrated media can then penetrate all the media outlets a company’s target audience consumes, putting their ads in front of as many eyes as possible.

Jean Elaine Leveque has worked for over 20 years with companies developing integrated marketing solutions for a wide range of companies in Denver and beyond. Leveque takes pride in her ability to form marketing initiatives based on integrated marketing that work.

 Jean Elaine Leveque - Who is Your Target Audience?

Jean Elaine Leveque usually starts her first client interviews with the question, “Who is your target audience?” A target audience is the specific people companies market their products and services to. Leveque starts her interviews off in this way so that she can gauge where they want to take their marketing materials and how they want to reach a certain subset of people with their materials. Leveque designs marketing initiatives for businesses large and small and creates marketing solutions meant to hit their target audiences and improve sales revenue.

Jean Elaine Leveque

Starting a marketing campaign with a good understanding of their target audience is a no-brainer for companies trying to improve their sales numbers. Jean Elaine Leveque helps them research and develop strategies for how best to market to these audiences and create an efficient, effective marketing strategy they can hang their hat on. Finding a target audience is not as easy as it sounds. While some aspects of the ideal customer are usually pretty clear for most companies—a home repair company can bet their target audience will overwhelmingly be homeowners—it sometimes takes months of research to find the ideal target market for some companies.

Jean Elaine Leveque has helped many companies find their ideal customer and create marketing initiatives specifically designed to appeal to those people. She has created many marketing strategies that she has helped implement and create new business opportunities for businesses of all sizes and target markets. Leveque has created opportunities for all of her clients to find marketing success for the near and long-term future.

Why You Should Have a Favorite Sports Team

People often overlook the value of sports. While it may seem silly for people to spend time and money to watch other people test their athletic abilities against each other, it can actually be a great way to bond with others. There are several different types of sports out there. This provides people with several different options, so even if they aren’t a huge fan of one sport, there may be another one that they are interested in. For the bigger sports, it is easy to find a team that is relatively close to where you live. Rooting for the local team can help you bond with your neighbors and those around.

Jean Elaine Leveque

Watching sports can also provide good bonding time as attending a game can be a great way to hang out with others. Games often sell food and the constant breaks between innings or quarters allow a good amount of time for socializing. Games are also a great activity to do as a family. Many parents enjoy taking their kids to a sports games and introducing them to sports. There is also lots of fun sports attire. By wearing your team’s colors you may feel more connected as a fan. Overall, there are lots of great reasons to become invested in sports. Jean Elaine Leveque is the mother of three children and a huge football fan. Because she grew up in the California Bay Area, she is a big 49ers fan and plans on buying season tickets in 2016.

Baking is a Blast

While cooking may not be everyone’s forte, it can still be a lot of fun and in many ways is a necessary skill for life. Learning to cook delicious healthy meals will not only make you feel better about what you’re eating, but will also make you feel more confident when it comes to preparing meals for others. Cooking, in many ways, is a form of art. While some are naturally talented at it, others will have to commit lots of time and practice to developing good meals. If you find that no matter how much time you put into it that you are still an awful cook, then perhaps it would be beneficial to giving baking a try.

Baking is different than cooking in that there is less wiggle room. Baking usually provides a recipe and your product often tastes best when you follow the recipe exactly. Baking can also be a lot of fun and can be something you do with others. There are several different great baking recipes that can be found in cookbooks and online. When you first begin baking, it may be beneficial to start with easy box mixes. After becoming comfortable with those, you may want to move on to baking recipes that require you making your goodies from scratch as these are the ones that will taste the best.

Jean Elaine Leveque is the owner of a small Peruvian cookie business. She loves baking and is sure to teach her daughters how to bake as well.

The Importance of Dance

For a long time, dance was in many ways underappreciated. It is important to recognize the impact dance has on culture and the arts. In many ways, dance is a way of giving insight to different cultures and their histories. The various cultures have very different ways of dancing and they can tell a lot about their unique cultures. Dance is also an art form that can communicate emotion in ways that other art forms do not. In recent years, awareness for dance has been shown through the media with shows such as Dancing with the Stars, and So You Think You Can Dance. There is also now a national dance day that encourages even those who do not consider themselves dancers to take the time to appreciate the art form.

Other Reality TV shows such as Dance Moms also highlight the art form. Mainstream artists like Sia have even begun to use dance as the main feature in their music videos. Dance is also something that can be appreciated by everyone. Even if watching a ballet may not be your thing, there are many other styles of dance such as break dancing, tapping, jazz, and other forms. Dance is widely incorporated in big Broadway shows as well. There are many different career options for a dancer and many different ways for them the express themselves. Jean Elaine Leveque is a small business owner and the mother of three children. She has a great appreciation for all art forms, including dance.

Experiencing the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is the biggest canyon in the world. It is one of those places that must be seen to be fully appreciated; mere words are not enough to describe its depth and majesty. The Grand Canyon is located in northern Arizona and was carved out over millions of years by the Colorado River. It has many great features to offer including campsites.

Camping at the Grand Canyon can be lots of fun as there are many areas to explore and hike. For the more experienced hiker, there are also trails that go down the Grand Canyon and you can even walk all the way across. This trip can take quite some time and it is important to pack lots of resources if you plan on venturing across. The Grand Canyon has so much to offer and should definitely be something you add to your bucket list.

Jean Elaine Leveque

There are many sites people should see in their lifetime. While it may seem like a hassle to travel, the world offers so many great sites that can only be experienced to their fullest in person. Even if going out of the country is not an option for you currently, there are still plenty of sites within the United States that you should visit if you get the chance. Some of these include Yosemite Falls, Mount Rushmore, and Yellow Springs. However, there is one place that stands above them all, and it is the Grand Canyon.

Jean Elaine Leveque is a mother of three children who loves to travel and site see with her family.  

I Want my MTV

This might sound shocking to some, but there was a time when MTV meant music television. This popular music phenomenon introduced the music video into the American culture. It was an epic period of ever increasing and well produced music videos in a short format that revolutionized the industry. For many it was the first time that people ever saw the artist which they had listened to on the radio. Very quickly the artists that produced the most and best videos would gain popular status and enjoy success based on this innovation. Such was the advent of new music which had hit the scene in the early 1980s. Included new wave music which featured bizarre looking men in makeup and clothing playing and singing along to some fairly sensible music. If it was catchy enough and the video was visually stunning in some way either through the visualizations, the plot or the characters, then these new artists would surely have a hit on their hands.

Fast forward to today, and the MTV music channel has dropped all remnants of any music videos altogether. Today it is filled with the blight of constant reality shows which ironically have no basis in reality. In addition to that, many of these reality shows are about senseless topics and indicators of moral decay which is evident throughout our culture. It is not unusual to witness people that look back on the seemingly innocent early days of music videos and thus a desire to return to a simpler time when you could tune in to watch your favorite songs in the video that was made for. Jean Elaine Leveque is a big fan of the culture of the 1980s and music videos is among her favorite elements of this era.

Family Recipes

There is nothing more sacred than a tried and true family recipe. Many generations of a family have in many situations enjoyed these special moments in their lives with the preparation of food in a variety of ways that are unique and sometimes well protected by the people who make these recipes come alive. It is a tradition of many households that a recipe be protected and only shared once somebody comes into the family officially. That is why a popular family recipe is shared at wedding showers and other ceremonies when the person becomes an official part of the family. Quite often, an outsider is invited into the home and they partake in the glorious benefits of an extravagantly refined meal that is the stuff of family legend. It is not uncommon in the situations for the outsider request the secret of the recipe and how the dish came to be. Unfortunately for those individuals that is something that is beyond reason to request because of the protective nature of the family best recipes. For Jean Elaine Leveque, she has encountered the situation time and time again. She is an excellent cook and the mother of three and she cooks some family favorites for her friends and family from time to time. On that list of favorite recipes is her secret oatmeal cookie recipe and her meatloaf recipe which always draws great reviews. She is always willing to share a meal, but she knows that her recipe is as sacred as anything else in her family.

Jean Elaine Leveque - That Time at Summer Camp

Early in many young people’s lives, they have the experience of going to a camp for the summer. There are many camps throughout the country and they are rather variable in their nature. The most famous camps in movies and other literature are based out on a lake or in the woods somewhere. Regardless of the situation and location of the camp that were talking about, the object of camp is constant. They are there to help you have life experiences and to commune with people their age. Each summer, many organizations put on camps for different groups of youth. There are many Bible camps, camps for kids with disabilities, camps for kids with diabetes and camps that some parents simply elect to send their kids to.

Jean Elaine Leveque

This was the experience of Jean Elaine Leveque, who grew up in Cupertino, California and attended a performing arts focused high school. They had a theater camp where the kids were split up into groups of students and they would compete against each other in games and events. At the end of the week of camp, the participants who won the most events on a points rated system would get to decide the theme for the next year’s camp as a prize. She looks fondly back at her years as a young adolescent going to these fun and interesting camps while enjoying the company of good friends and the memories that have lasted a lifetime. She still is in contact with many people from these camps today.